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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Fliqmart, we are deeply committed to safeguarding your privacy. Your trust is invaluable to us, and we strive to maintain the highest standards of security and confidentiality. Please take a moment to review the following policy, which outlines how we handle your personal information as you engage with our website.

Personal Information

When you utilize our website, we may collect and retain personal information provided by you. Our primary objective is to ensure a secure, efficient, and personalized experience for you. This enables us to offer services and features that align with your preferences and to enhance the overall usability of our website. Your personal information is gathered with the sole purpose of improving your interaction with our platform.

While browsing our website, you have the option to remain anonymous and withhold personal information. However, certain features or services may require specific details from you. Rest assured, any information you provide is treated with utmost confidentiality.

We may also automatically track certain information about your browsing behavior on our website, such as demographics, interests, and preferences. This data is analyzed in an aggregated manner to enhance our understanding of user behavior and improve our services.

Disclosure of Information pledges not to sell or rent your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. We may occasionally disclose general statistical information about our website and its visitors for analytical purposes. Your trust and confidence in us are paramount, and we will never misuse your financial information for any purpose other than completing transactions with you.


Periodically, we may send email communications regarding promotional offers, product availability, or feedback on our services. We offer you the option to opt-out of receiving such communications either through your account settings or by contacting us directly. If you wish to unsubscribe from our newsletters, please visit the provided unsubscribe link or reach out to us via the contact details provided on our website.


Fliqmart utilizes cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your web browser that enable personalized interactions with our website. We employ both permanent and temporary cookies to improve functionality and remember specific user preferences. These cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information.


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